Vaccon Single Engine
Vac-Con uses the simplicity of a hydrostatic drive to power both the vacuum and water systems with a single engine. Both systems can be independently operated for multiple applications, while allowing for maximum flexibility. Looking for a single-engine machine? Vac-Con’s unique design offers the best value without sacrificing performance, power or ease of operation.
Schwarze A7 Tornado TE
Effective January of 2017, the EPA Final MS4 General Permit Remand Rule requires “clear, specific, and measurable permitting” conditions for measuring BMP implementation. In addition, MS4s that discharge to impaired waters must develop a total maximum discharge limit (TMDL) strategy and plan to reduce sediment, phosphorous, and nitrogen discharged into protected watersheds. The new ruling also requires greater public participation in the NPDES permitting process.
Schwarze M4 Cascade
Street sweeping has been recognized as a best management practice (BMP) for reducing pollutants in storm water runoff. The operation of street sweeping not only improves the roadway’s appearance, but also improves safety, potential air quality and helps save our streams and rivers from contaminants.